Inspiration Wednesday

1c9d6f8d3911d32680844e6892292ce0| What’s meant to be is just that |

I’m a firm believer in fate…

From the politeness of a complete stranger, to landing your dream job, to meeting your soulmate in the most surprising manner, I truly believe that fate is a guiding source for all life events. Granted hard word and perseverance always somehow come into play, fate has a funny way of creating those meaningful moments. Which brings me to this quote. I have always been taught to shoot for the stars, that anything I may desire can be accomplished so long as I make the effort. For this reason, I find value knowing that the best is yet to come. But I never want to feel stuck or that things could be better, and at the same time, I don’t want to rush through those experiences that may eventually lead to greatness. There is a double-edged sword in with this complex perception. I have recently entered this new chapter in my life where my weeks are dedicated to other individuals and their goals and my weekends are consumed with me trying to set and reach personal ones. But I find comfort knowing fate will come into play and place me exactly where I need to be and who I need to be surrounded by. In fact, without fate, I wouldn’t be in this beautiful city surrounded by my favorite people from the past and already forming lasting relationships for the future. One thing I am still working on is allowing fate to have more control instead of thinking I must control each and every outcome. Fate is real. Destiny is a blessing. So let fate take it’s course and be exactly who you want to be, do what you want to do. Because what is life without reaching your goals and feeling as though things are truly meant to be?
