Change of Pace


| Slow Down. Just Breathe. |

Sometimes all it takes is a little change of pace…

As I slowly adjust to the working world and this new (rather amazing) home, I have come to realize that a change of pace is something often taken for granted. I went from the insanity that is college life — where a break from class and work turned into finishing homework or studying for a test while still managing my sanity and being somewhat social — to the anxiety of the unexpected that comes with this new, adult chapter in life. But it finally hit me — taking the time to regroup and relax (if that’s ever even possible) is all it takes for a stressful situation to turn a new leaf.You’ll read it again and again, but I tend to not allow myself to relax and truly appreciate what it is I am doing at a given moment. But when given those sincere moments of solitude and reflection, I am able to improve my imperfections and smile at the life I am blessed with.

Today, a Monday, was actually a great one. I am trying to create a scheduled routine and this week, I’m attempting to get in my three workouts prior to work. So yes, that means getting up at the crack of dawn to RUN. It was on this run that I was able to snap this gorgeous photo, so gorgeous it was a must for multiple profiles. Some people get lost in a schedule, but I seem to thrive with one. And this trial resulted in my being energized, happy and productive at work. We’ll see how long this lasts, but for now, the added little cases of excitement that this specific day brought make me crave more. One of these excitements — officially being recognized as an Account Coordinator at RKPR! What a beautiful, talented, savvy group of women I am so blessed to be associated with. Look out world, we’re one unstoppable team.

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Tonight is the finale to the Bachelorette, and I am so excited to connect my best friend with a new friend I’ve met here is sunny SD. I constantly think about how my intuition really came into play in my final choice of San Diego as my desired place to live. I was given the opportunity to transfer my college life into a comfortable environment with the same scene I had been exposed to for years. However, I chose the alternative and because of that, I now feel a personal strength to continue to put myself out there and explore the opportunities that arise — something I truly didn’t feel capable of a few months ago.

I’m no expert in new experiences and life in general, but that’s the beauty of being  young and coming into your own — life is about figuring things out and taking those moments to just breathe.


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